Silt- to claystone, light- to dark-grey and light-brown coloured, with abundant carbonaceous laminae which often show pyritised burrows, and with thin sandstone beds (mostly less than 1 meter). The clear sands have fine to medium, subangular to rounded grains. Minor occurrences of medium- to dark-grey claystone and white to light-brown limestone and dolomite are present. Lignite is locally abundant. In some wells (P03-02), abundant fragments of bivalves and gastropods have been encountered.
Deposited in a marginal-marine setting at the landward (backbarrier) position of the beach-barrier deposits of the sandy Kotter and Helder Members. Restricted conditions in a lagoonal setting with storm influences.
Unconformable with the underlying Vlieland Claystone or Sandstone formations.
Overlain by the sandy Helder Member of the Vlieland Sandstone Formation.