About us

DINOloket provides access to the largest databank on the ground beneath the Netherlands, among other things. This databank, known by the acronym DINO, is the single clearinghouse for geo data on the shallow and deep geology of the Netherlands. It comprises borehole data, groundwater data, cone penetration test data, vertical electrical soundings, the results of geological, chemical and mechanical sample analyses, borehole logs and seismic data. 

The databank is updated and augmented daily with new data that are made available via DINOloket. Data on the deep geology are accessible via the NLOG Oil and Gas Portal.

DINOloket is not a commercial undertaking. Its underlying mission is to improve the accessibility of data on the subsurface of the Netherlands and to increase the use of these data. DINOloket is used by national and provincial governments and local authorities in the Netherlands and by companies and private individuals.

Moreover, DINOloket is undergoing development due to the Dutch National Key Registry of the Subsurface (BRO). Read more about the status of the BRO on the site of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations: basisregistratieondergrond.nl . The BRO builds on a number of existing registers, including the successful DINO database. Some of the data from DINO are therefore being transferred to the BRO system. These data can, of course, still be requested via DINOloket. DINOloket thus offers access to groundwater data, cone penetration test data, vertical electrical soundings, seismic data and information on borehole data, such as the results of geological, chemical and mechanical sample analyses, borehole logs and descriptions of drilling samples. The BRO developments mean that the functionalities of DINOloket will be further extended.

The organisation behind DINOloket is the Geological Survey of the Netherlands , part of TNO, which, in addition to the millions of data compiled in DINO, also has a large collection of physical borehole samples in the Core storage facility in Zeist. The Geological Survey of the Netherlands has also developed models to convert the vast amounts of data into usable information. A particular task of the Geological Survey is to advise the Dutch government on issues relating to the use of the deep subsurface. These may have to do with policy to be implemented, or the Mining Act. The GDN is also responsible for the realisation and operational management of the National Facility for the National Key Registry of the Subsurface. 

Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO
Legal entity incorporated under public law: legal entity with a statutory task
Visiting address: Princetonlaan 6, 3584 CB, Utrecht
Postal address: PO Box 80015, 3508 TA, Utrecht
Telephone number: +31 (0)88-8664300
Email: support@geologicalsurvey.nl
Registered in the Trade Register, Chamber of Commerce number: 27376655
VAT number: NL002875718B01