Request model files

Request the model files via the module Subsurface models so you can view and use the models outside DINOloket.

Via the freely available SubsurfaceViewer the models and interpreted borehole logs of an ordered map sheet can be visualised in 3D. A map sheet is a rectangular area,  generally measuring 20 x 25 km.

In ArcGIS version 10 or higher files of  the layer model (grids) and horizontal slices of the voxel model can be visualised.

In addition you can use the ArcGIS grids and shapefiles of DGM and REGIS II in other GIS packages, such as Grass (open source), MapInfo and GeoMedia. Be advised that sometimes conversion of these files is needed.

Furthermore, REGIS II and GeoTOP can be downloaded as a NetCDF-file from TNO’s OPeNDAP-server . Also the Mineral Information System (DIS) model is available as NetCDF file. You can find those files at the DIS page.

The first BRO data and models are available as a basic version 3D web service (API interface for ArcGIS compliant with the OGC standard I3S), making them extra easy to load into your GIS system.