
All who are interested in the subsurface, could, free of charge, view and request data on DINOloket of TNO, Geological Survey of the Netherlands. These data originate from both TNO's DINO repository and BRO (Subsurface Key Register). Read more about this here (Dutch only). For more information about the Mining Act visit NLOG .

Also read the FAQ: What do I need to know when using DINOloket?

Subsurface data

Afbeelding van DINOloket voor de functie Gegevens opvragen

Search, view, select and request data using the map.

Subsurface models

Search, view, select and request data using the map.

The map applications are available for the following browser versions:
Chrome (from 90), Edge (from 90), Firefox (from 91), Firefox ESR (78), Safari (from 13) and works best on desktop and laptop (limited suitability for mobile or tablet).