Well Member

Formal (Busschers & Weerts 2003).
Lithological description

Brown to brownish grey fine to very coarse sand, gravelly.

Depositional setting

Ice-marginal braided fluvial.

Definition of lower boundary

Not yet determined.

Definition of upper boundary

Not yet determined.

Thickness indication
Not yet determined.
Geographical distribution
South of the ice-pushed ridges in the central Netherlands and up the present-day Meuse Valley along the German border.
Regional correlation
North Sea: not present; UK: not present; GER: Mittelterrasse 4 (Klostermann 1992); BEL: not present.
late Middle Pleistocene (late Saalian).
Type section
Not yet determined.
Depth (thickness) AH:
Not yet determined.
Origin of name
Named after the village of Well in the eastern Netherlands, close to the German border.
Previous name(s)
Well Sands (Zonneveld 1958; Van den Toorn 1976).
Reviewed by (date)
Wim Dubelaar (2018), Sytze van Heteren (2019).
Busschers, F.S., Weerts, H.J.T. 2003. Beschrijving lithostratigrafische eenheid. Nederlands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen TNO. Utrecht.
Klostermann, J. 1992. Das Quartär der Niederrheinischen Bucht. Ablagerungen der letzten Eiszeit am Niederrhein. Geologisches Landesamt Nordrhein-Westfalen, Krefeld.
Van den Toorn, J.C. 1976. Toelichting bij de Geologische kaart van Nederland 1:50.000. Blad Venlo West (52W). Rijks Geologische Dienst, Haarlem.
Zonneveld, J.I.S. 1958. Litho-stratigrafische eenheden in het Nederlandse Pleistoceen. Mededelingen van de Geologische Stichting, Nieuwe Serie 12, 31-64.
Cite as
TNO-GDN ([YEAR]). Well Member. In: Stratigraphic Nomenclature of the Netherlands, TNO – Geological Survey of the Netherlands. Accessed on [DATE] from https://www.dinoloket.nl/en/stratigraphic-nomenclature/well-member.