New on DINOloket: NL3D with shallow subsurface of all of the Netherlands

With the arrival of the latest version of NL3D, the Geological Survey of the Netherlands has decided to make NL3D available via DINOloket. From now on NL3D has a proper place among all other models of the subsurface. NL3D is a low-resolution variant of GeoTOP and covers the shallow subsurface of the entire mainland of the Netherlands. The model thus offers interesting possibilities for users of subsurface data.

NL3D is a three-dimensional model of the shallow subsurface of the Netherlands. The model provides information on layer structure and soil type (e.g. clay, sand, peat). 
The subsurface is divided into voxels (volume cells) of 250 x 250 x 1 meter. Each voxel contains several features that provide information about stratigraphy (layer structure) and lithological class (soil type) and a number of properties that together form a measure of model uncertainty. The latest version of the national subsurface model Netherlands 3D (NL3D v2.0) replaces the previous version v1.1 (2013).

Availability on DINOloket

A set of 2D grid maps from NL3D is available in the map viewer of DINOloket. 
This allows the subsurface of the Netherlands to be viewed down to a maximum depth of 15 meters below the surface. The model can also be downloaded for use in your own GIS application.

Picture of NL3D maps: left it shows the Lithological class at ground level and at the right hand it shows 8 meters below subsurface according to the NL3D model.
Lithological class at ground level (left) and 8 meters below the surface (right) according to the NL3D model

Difference from the previous version 

In the new version of NL3D, the model has been completely rebuilt, with the main changes being:

  • The layer model is based on the most recent version of DGM, namely DGM v2.2 (2014).
  • More borehole descriptions have become available since 2013: from 500,000 to 640,000. All this data has been processed in NL3D.
  • The voxel modeling uses the latest techniques developed in GeoTOP (according to Stafleu et al., 2022).
  • The voxel modeling in the new version of NL3D takes faults into account.
  • For a number of geological units, the structural slope of the unit is taken into account in the new version of NL3D (in accordance with Stafleu et al., 2020).
  • The measure of uncertainty 'probability of most probable lithological class’ has been replaced by 'model uncertainty of lithological class’ (also known as 'information entropy') in the new version of NL3D, in accordance with the GeoTOP model.

Difference from GeoTOP

NL3D is very similar to GeoTOP, but has a lower resolution. In GeoTOP, more geological guidance and more sophisticated interpretation of borehole descriptions is used. Also, more layers are distinguished in GeoTOP. Thus, more detail is visible in GeoTOP. NL3D is therefore especially suitable for applications where a nationwide result is needed, or for applications in areas where GeoTOP is not yet available.

Want to know more?

The Totstandkomingsrapport (PDF in Dutch - 4.4 MB) provides a detailed description of the geological subsurface model NL3D: it describes what the model is, what data it is based on, and how it was created. The report also includes a brief geological description of the model. Furthermore, there is more information about NL3D on the explanatory page of DINOloket.