H3O programme: (hydro)geological 3D modelling of the Dutch border areas

In Dutch ‘H3O’ stands for ‘Hydrogeologische 3D-modellering van de Ondergrond’, which means hydrogeological 3D modelling of the subsurface. The H3O programme consists of a number of projects with a focus on the Dutch border regions. Where (hydro)geological maps and models from different countries converge in border areas and do not match, projects within the H3O programme will ensure that from now on they do.

In collaboration with its Belgian, German, and Dutch partners, the projects within the H3O programme are conducted by the Geological Survey of the Netherlands (GDN). The aim of all H3O projects is to map the (hydro)geology of the subsurface in Dutch border areas again by using existing and current data, knowledge, and information, both Dutch and foreign.

The H3O projects are also aimed at seamless alignment of the Dutch (hydro)geological models with those of neighbouring countries and vice versa. The models contribute to research and defining policy, management and use regarding the subsurface in the border regions. 


With new, more complete and detailed information, the H3O programme provides insight into the (hydro)geology of the subsurface of the border regions of the Netherlands and neighbouring countries. The results of the H3O projects also serve as the basis for a regional update of subsurface models, as they are available in the National Key Registry of the Subsurface (BRO).

H3O projects

The H3O-Roerdalslenk Project was the first project that started within the H3O programme. It was conducted from March 2012 to June 2104. The results (final report, digital model datasets and final presentations) can be downloaded via the link in the overview below. The final report and final presentations are available in Dutch only, unless otherwise stated.

This also applies for the second project within the H3O programme: H30-De Kempen, which was carried out from May 2015 until November 2017. In parallel with the H3O-De Kempen Project, the projects H3O-Roerdalslenk Southeast and H3O Roerdalslenk Northwest were launched, with H3O-De Voorkempen as the follow-up project.

The overview below presents the ongoing and completed projects within the H3O programme.

In progress:

  • H3O-Diep Zuid-NL
  • H3O-Peelhorst & Venloslenk
  • H3O-Diep Zeeland


Overzicht H3O-projecten per september 2023, dus de (hydro)geologie van Nederlandse grensgebieden in 3D
Overview of the H3O projects (September 2023)