Downloads project H3O-De Kempen

Within the H3O-De Kempen Project, a cross-border, up-to-date, three-dimensional geological and hydrogeological model was produced. The 3D model covers the border area of Central Brabant (Netherlands) and De Kempen (Belgium). You can download the final report and digital datasets (in both Dutch RD coordinate system and NAP reference level) on this page. The digital datasets are also available on the website of the Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen (DOV) in the Belgian Lambert coordinate system and TAW reference level.

The project was officially concluded  with a final presentation on 16 November 2017 at the Eindhoven city hall. All final presentations (in Dutch) can also be downloaded on this page.

Final report (in Dutch)


Final presentation (in Dutch) 16 November 2017