depth, not corrected for non-verticality:
depth from the ground surface at which the measured parameters have been recorded; this depth is not corrected for the deviation from verticality that is common in cone penetration tests.
depth, corrected for non-verticality:
depth from the ground surface at which the measured parameters have been recorded; this depth is corrected for the deviation from verticality that is common in cone penetration tests.
cone resistance (qc):
quotient of the force needed to move the cone downwards, and the cross sectional area of the cone tip.
sleeve friction (fs):
quotient of the force needed to move the friction sleeve downwards, and the external cylindrical surface of the friction sleeve.
friction ratio (Rf):
ratio of the sleeve friction to the cone resistance measured at a certain depth, expressed as a percentage.
pore water pressure u1/u2/u3/u0 (u):
registered pore water pressure during the penetration test: - u1 /u2/ u3 give the position of the pore water pressure filter at the tip, just above the tip and just above the friction sleeve, respectively; an unknown position of the pore water pressure filter is denoted as u0.
gradient 0/1/2:
angle of the point of the cone in relation to the vertical, measured with an inclinometer (uniaxial reading: gradient 0; N-S and E-W components of a biaxial gradient reading: gradient 1/2).